There is a huge tradition of Liberal Arts in a Catholic context going back to the first Christian century and it is something which has continued in many European countries to this day, and it is being rediscovered now in the States and in Australia. The Liberal Arts comprise the a study of Literature, History, Theology, Philosophy and Science.
There is a profound Catholic focus is the studies which seek a synthesis through, and an emphasis on, the interconnectedness of ideas and perspectives from the different subjects, and by allowing one subject to be built upon another. Subjects are approached from both local and global perspectives and the complementarity of Faith and Reason is drawn upon throughout.
A Catholic Liberal Arts Degree can lead into Education, Writing, Government, Adminstration, Publishing, Communications, Media, Cultural and Faith-based work, Academia, Social Services, Tourism. It gives an education for life, and not simply for an occupation. It seeks to foster good and critical thinkers and to give a deep understanding of culture.
In my short time settling into Campion College as its Chaplain I have found a warmth of personality, a deep correspondance with my own British culture and, most importantly, a search for truth. Moreover, I have discovered in Campion an attention to the person, such that the style of teaching and formation recognises the student, not simply as a name on a roll, but as a person. Campion College is very much a place which is worthy of consideration by potential students who are seeking something beyond what secular universities offer, and also potential students from the UK.
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