Monday, 23 June 2008

A real Eucharistic festival

I'm just back from the 49th International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City, Canada. It has been a real festival of Catholic faith in the Eucharist. I can't say it any more simply than that. It was a tremendous week, despite my forebodings, based upon my experience last year. The liturgy was very much shaped by the Holy Father's desire for the reform of the reform. It is the first international Catholic gathering that I have been to where Mass each day included Latin in the Canon and plain chant ordinary (and not just Missa de Angelis either), for example. For an event taking place in such a secular environment, it was quite impressive, and can only have a beneficial effect on the Church in Quebec. I will post more stuff in the next few days about the content of the catecheses, etc. Just for now I'll share a video of the procession of the Blessed Sacrament leaving the opening Mass to be taken to the place of adoration. The monstrance is slightly strange in shape and material (wood was used), but once you get beyond that the experience of being at this tremendous event comes back to me. The applause is for the Eucharist - you can't stop the Latin Americans showing that sort of appreciation for the Eucharistic Lord. And it was infectious.


John Paul said...

I was really impressed about what you said, and then I saw the procession. What on earth was that they had the blessed sacrament in?

Fr Julian Green said...

Well like I said, it was a bit idiosyncratic.