As the BBQ warmed up people began to arrive and soon there was a great atmosphere of hospitality. We were very pleased to be joined by two of the Friars, Fr Sylvester and Brother Benedict Joseph and by Fr Julian.
The front garden of Our Lady Mother of Grace House, just off the busy street, was an ideal situation for this Easter celebration. Fr Sylvester talked to us about the Life of Grace, and as we sat in the sun and listened to stories about grace from this Francisan Friar of the Renewal our hearts burned within us.
We enthroned the Blessed Sacrament on an altar on the lawn and spent an hour in Adoration and praise. Fr Julian lead us in the Rosary, reflecting on Our Lady, the Star of the New Evangelisation.
This was a Garden Party which we would like to repeat for it was so grace-filled that we felt it was an entirely natural event for Catholics to hold.
The garden party was a boss event. Such a simple idea - we should have more of them.
Please host one in Birmingham over the Summer. It would attract lots of people.
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