However, we will still have to cope with the contemporary phenomenon of how the media projects today's personality and psychology onto a past age. Historic and period productions used to present past personalities as different to us - which they were. Present day personality and psychology which is so weakly Christian and so strongly bewildered cannot really be the measure of human identity - nor can that of the Tudors.
The first instalment of The Tudors lasted about 4 minutes in this house before I realised it wasn't suitable for human consumption. Also, children are exposed to entirely unsuitable programmes regularly - just this afternoon, at tea-time, Paul O'Grady was interviewing Jackie Collins about her latest sex-ridden book. Time to get out the letter-writing kit, I think.
I thought you`d been radical and ditched the telly. (Jan 19th post).
The trails for The Tudors look like an Elizabethan soft porn film. I don`t fink the director was aiming to bring us the finer points of a Christian psyche in this pile of horse manure.
I don't have telly, but I am aware of some of its output.
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