Monday 11 July 2016


This year the feast of St Ignatius of Loyola falls on Sunday 31st July; it is our patronal feast, here at the parish in Ossett and Horbury, WF5 0DQ.
As a part of our celebrations we are having a Votive Mass of St Ignatius, on Saturday 30th July at 12 noon, celebrated in the Extraordinary Form. The Rudgate Singers are coming to sing a Gregorian Mass setting. You are most welcome to take part.
Following the Mass there will be a celebratory BBQ in the garden (weather permitting). This is a donation event, and any monies donated will go to our new church windows fund.
If you would like to come to the BBQ, please indicate, either on this Blog, or on the chart in St Ignatius' church porch. Indicating your participation in the BBQ is essential because we will only source food for those we know are coming. 

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