Monday 19 May 2008

Commons vote for hybrid embryos

This evening's Commons vote makes me think of emmigrating. However, there is a great work of reparation to be done. Way back in 1992 the New York Cardinal suggested that a "tomb of the unborn child" be erected in every Roman Catholic diocese in the United States. John Cardinal O'Connor, the Archbishop of New York, spoke about such a monument he had seen at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. He suggested that similar memorials be erected to the "countless victims" of abortion in at least one Catholic cemetery in each diocese across the nation. Cardinal O'Connor said that, whether or not aborted fetuses were actually buried within such tombs, the monuments would "be a good reminder" that they had been "just as human" as others buried in the cemeteries. This surely is something that we can undertake in every Diocese in England.


Kate said...

Its a great idea, I wonder which diocese will be the first?
I too feel like emigrating, Britain seems to have become inhospitable to Catholics, a place where its no longer safe to believe or practice your faith.For some reason known only to God, we have entered a period of persecution and I feel great sacrifices will be asked of the faithful who remain in this country.
I know its silly to speculate, but perhaps God wills the current troubles to test our faith and see what is wheat and what is chaff.
Maybe we need to re-introduce the great Hymn, 'Faith of our Fathers' to help stiffen the nerves!
Actually, re-introducing the Prayer to St. Michael, Archangel, at the end of Mass would be a step in the right direction.
I sincerely hope that you won't emigrate, Fr.,the Catholic Church in the U.K. so needs priests like you.Your blog is an inspiration to ordinary folk like me.
Prayers and best wishes to you
Maria's mum

Fr Richard Aladics said...

It's not just inhospitable Catholics, it's inhospitable to human beings; the culture of death does not allow human beings to blossom. We need the new humanity to shine forth - we need the New Evangelisation! I offered a votive Mass of Our Lady of Walsingham today for the conversion and evangelisation of many in the UK - we need help from beyond our own shores.

Kate said...

As I said earlier, Fr., you are an inspiration!
I will keep up the prayers, especially to Our Lady of Walsingham

Fr Richard Aladics said...

the above comment should read "... inhospitable to Catholics ..."