In the film version of the "Lord of the Rings", while the Fellowship are trying to cross the Misty Mountains, Boromir recovers the the Ring after Frodo has slipped. What he then says is taken from that part of the book when he tries to take the Ring from Frodo:
"Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing."
In reality, that small thing, so small a thing that we hardly reference it for what it is, that has taken hold of our whole civilisation with such an impact, and yet remains such a small thing, somewhat hidden, apparently harmless and puzzling only if you stop to think about it, beguiling but essential, so small a thing.
The creator of the Contraceptive Pill himself, Carl Djerassi, regrets the advent of this 'remedy', a 'remedy' which has paved the way not just for the condom, abortion, sterilisation, but every other distorted behaviour which has followed upon the separation of the unitive act from procreation.
This small thing is bringing an end to our civilisation. The British birthrate is now below the recovery threshold. Britain as we know it is ending, and along with it many other Western nations.
It has taken such a small thing to convince us that having (things) is more important than being (persons). Western civilisation has changed its focus; what is important is now the peripheral and the ephemeral - what we can own, possess and affirm ourselves by. That which is essential: life, the family, neigbour and God are, in contraceptive civilisation, almost totally removed. This tiny matter of contraception has so invaded human life that it has taken hold of civilisation and cut at its roots. The place where we used to seek life and refreshment, the inexaustible riches of Jesus Christ, has been set aside by contraceptive mentality, for the shops, the mass media and the ever desirous self.
Contraception has not simply changed sexual behaviour, it has taken hold of human nature in its pride and has cast out virtue and faith. Such a small thing, but the fate of many is now bound to this small, almost insignificant thing. The fate of the West now hangs by a thread, in fact, an even smaller thing - the tiniest group of cells, not visible to the naked eye, which is the beginning of human life, and by which God breaks into our lives. However, irksome it may seem, we should follow the teaching of the Church.
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