I recently came across publications from two Catholic colleges in Leeds which reveal the influence of neo-Pelagianism in their ethoses (is that the plural of "ethos").
College "A", in its end of year Mass used the following prayers:
This is just a little snippet, there is a lot more! Our young Catholics are being patronised terribly by this vapid nonsense."Lord, peace always starts with ourselves. Help us to go forward ... and to promote peace in our homes, workplaces or wherever we find ourselves ... " "Let us celebrate all human beauty caught in colour, form and faith. Celebrate the human body made to move with speed and grace. Friendship found in common focus, effort turned to common goal." "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us ... and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from ur own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
College "B" in one of its Scriptural Course prospectus declares:
Catholic students and prospective students beware! Christ is not the centre and focus of these colleges, and the drip, drip, drip of neo-Pelagianism has taken hold here. The truth is that Christ is the definitive Revelation of the Father, that He has come to us because human nature is wounded, and that the Life of Grace, which He offers, is the unique opportunity for human beings to find fulfillment in God."The course will interest those are searching within English literature to sustain a personal quest for spiritual meaning." "It provides an understanding of the ways in which the English Bible was claimed, explained and proclaimed by institutions and individuals, and how it came to inspire other forms of literary expression." "You will have the opportunity to choose from a range of optional modules; Catholic Novelists, Dissent, Faith and Feminism ... " Why choose "Religious Studies" asks another prospectus? "So you can analyse and explore such issues as environmental ethics, gender and sexual ethics, Darwinism and debates about human nature ... and to discover new approaches to ethical reflection."
"Lord, look upon our troubled times, which need preachers of the Gospel, witnesses to you, persons who can point the way toward 'life in abundance'! Look upon our world and feel pity once more! Look upon our world and send us labourers!" Benedict XVI
A very interesting post. One thing I have noticed is that many "liberal" "modern" Catholics don't like the writings of St Augustine of Hippo and, of course, we know which heresy he fought against....
fr paul harrison
We need to know where we're sending our young adults...& prepare them for this culture. fortunately my eldest age 20 is a Catholic force to be reckoned with..ie faithful to the Magisterium..& she earns the respect of her fellow med students..
Modern "liberal" Catholicism has revealed itself to be nothing more than bare-faced neo-Pelagianism - which is not Catholicism at all. It is still however particularly evident in Religious Education and Catechesis. The days of "liberalism" in the Liturgy are now numbered.
Don't you sniff Arianism as well, Father?
Yes, but not in a fourth century north African kind of way.
Interesting and not surprising.
I recommend the Maryvale Institute for a solid Catholic education.
I cannot think of anywhere else I would not treat with extreme caution if not downright avoidance.
Even Maryvale has to tread carefully!
Yes, Father-it has to tread very carefully indeed.
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